Rachel's Portfolio


A current undergraduate pursuing a B.S in Computer Science at Amherst College. I'm experienced in full-stack web development, web scraping, and artificial intelligence.

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About Me

I am...


a driven student

I have taken a range of CS courses from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computer Systems to Data Science and Data Mining. These classes have taught me how to break down complex problems and approach them with logical, creative solutions.


a curious, knowledge-driven learner

I’m passionate about exploring new technologies and pushing myself to learn tools that expand my skills. I have experience with Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Svelte, and SQL. I’m excited to keep growing and discovering new ways to apply what I’ve learned.


an excellent communicator

I believe communication is key, especially in the workplace. Whether it’s explaining technical ideas in a way that’s easy to understand, presenting my work to a group, or collaborating on projects, I strive to create an open and productive environment. I’m still growing in this area, but I’ve found that being a good communicator makes a big difference in team success.


thumbnail of Formula 1 Data Science Blog

Formula 1 Data Science Blog

Developed an interactive blog analyzing Formula 1 datasets with spatial visualizations (Leaflet map), network graphs, and text analysis (web scraping) via word clouds.

thumbnail of MammothEDU


MAMU’s mission is to create an education-catered web-app that offers increased curriculum flexibility, enhancing accessibility for students and educators. Used React, OpenAI API, and Tailwind for UI.

thumbnail of AlgoVisualizer


A react app that visualizes sorting algorithms with real-time animations and an educational menu for users to learn about the basics, runtime, and pseudocode of each algorithm.